What do Mondays mean to you?
Some people dread Mondays, but not me; I love them! In fact, Mondays can’t get here fast let me tell you, it wasn’t always like this. There was a time when I couldn’t stand Mondays, in fact I would fight this day with all I had; but then, something changed. I learned that the start of each week (aka Mondays) was my chance to write a new chapter in my life and paint whatever I wanted on my blank canvas! Mondays became one of my most powerful day! Guess what? Mondays can be the same for you.
In fact, the reason I am sharing Monday Motivation with you, is to show you how powerful and productive Monday can be for you!
In todays Motivation Monday, I’m reminding you of the power of you! Yes you! What do you have in common with NIKE, FACEBOOK, APPLE AND REEBOK?
Check out this weeks ‘Monday Motivation’ and find out.
Remember to post your questions/comments below and share this week’s video with someone who needs a little MMMonday Motivation!
Your friend